A Transformation in Policing

A myriad of questions have been raised by the government’s prolonged Lockdown strategy, very few of which have been addressed in the political mainstream. Among them is the question of proportionality in a scenario where a clear cost/ benefit analysis is either not possible or not forthcoming. Among them also is the question of how much power over your life you are willing to cede to a hostile State.

The Irish media and political apparatus have been willing to accept any and all restrictions on personal freedom except, of course, when it hasn’t suited them personally. As as result, we see an atmosphere arise of suspicion and hypocrisy. A significant portion of Irish people will never look at the State in quite the same way again. They will never look at a Garda squad car in quite the same way again. They will never look at their fellow citizens in quite the same way again. The relationship between the society and the Regime, for those who were in any doubt, has now been clarified. Nowhere is this so clear as in the area of policing.

The transformation of An Garda Síochána is really the transformation of Irish society itself. On one level this is simply a practical question. Inherent to the project of global liberalism is the fracturing of rooted societies. The uprooting of natural social structures inevitably creates an environment where forms of stability and order, once taken for granted, now require more and more external intervention. It is only a matter of time before we have fully armed police forces across the island. Why? Because utopias exist at gunpoint. Or rather, the aspiration to utopia exists at gunpoint. For an aspiration is all it ever is or ever will be. The device of Lockdown represents a purely technocratic solution which, like all total solutions, becomes an end in and of itself. The logic of utopia, like the logic of Lockdown, becomes an endless march towards a fleeing point on the horizon. The destination is a mirage but in pursuit of that mirage, all things are justified.

Whereas the promise and the allure of globalism, rests in vague concepts like “openness” and “diversity”, the immediate reality is a claustrophobic police state where surveillance and conformity are the dominant tendencies. This has been well flagged in places like Britain and France, but as ever, the Irish have an unfortunate tendency to believe, “These things could never happen here.” Nonetheless, these things are happening and what’s more it should be no surprise that they are happening.

The groundwork for all this has been ongoing for decades. In the last few years we have only seen its acceleration as the material impacts of change begin to manifest in their ideological purity. There can be no doubt now that the ideological direction of the State has fully realigned. We are no longer run by a succession of gombeens and West-Brits, we are run as a professional franchise of global liberalism. Our leaders essentially take orders. They work off the playbook that is set out for them. The apparatus of the State therefore, is in the service of that supranational agenda. This is not reducible to the European Union or the United Nations or even the United States, it is systematic and represents many fronts, many powers, many interests all aligning on certain key goals. We live in a fully occupied country; politically, financially and as time goes by, demographically.

Opportunity in Crisis

A crisis is always an opportunity. It is an opportunity for the irresistible force to defeat the immovable object. A crisis is a time when the normal laws are suspended. Things unthinkable in times of peace or “normality” are suddenly thinkable. During the course of the last year, An Garda Síochána have become a force of widespread suppression on a scale hitherto unimaginable. Meanwhile, the criteria of dissidentism has grown only larger and vaguer. Consider the voting percentages in the 2018 abortion referendum. Three years later the 33.6% who voted “No” are well on their way to becoming a dissident class in Irish society. We have known for some time that we live in an occupied country, but it is only as —one by one —the consolations of modernity are withdrawn, that the true hard reality sinks in. It is only when we witness the forces of occupation in full mobilisation that we truly appreciate what it happening.

The clear trajectory of Irish society is towards stratification and division. We see double standards in policing, we see tiered freedoms, we see the targeting of political beliefs, we see restrictions on speech and thought that will make Irish people second class citizens in their own country. The lockdown has been the prime example of all this.

The policing of the lockdown has not, from the start, been consistent. That was clear in the United States long before it was clear in Ireland. A summer of rioting was exempted from the rules and moral judgments of Covid enforcement. These same “Black Lives Matter” events then invaded Ireland, and it was the same story here. It was clear at that moment that the State’s moral authority rested purely on force and whim. After all, it required only a fashionable cause to suspend the laws of virus transmission. The State tacitly endorsed the rights of certain people to break the law while rigidly condemning others for doing so.

Are They Coming for Your Children?

This much is now certain. All rights in Ireland are conditional on your political affiliations. All freedoms are conditional on your support for the Regime project. The “rule of law” is now merely a carrot waved in front of a donkey; an inducement to conform. As soon as you err from the allotted path, the carrot is withdrawn, the rule of law suspended.

We only have to look at the British jurisdiction, in which 6 counties of this country still reside, to see examples of the State removing children on the grounds of political affiliation. This has been threatened recently in the case of Republican dissidents. There is also an infamous example from some years ago, of children being removed from a couple in Rotherham in England, on the grounds that they were members of UKIP. The children were eventually returned but only after much effort and much slander.

The colonisation of the higher ranks of An Garda Síochána with officers loyal to the Crown, does not reassure us. We can expect the modus operandi of the British security state to replicate itself in an Irish context. We can expect Irish people to be policed increasingly as second class citizens.

That the opposition parties in Leinster House have been so weak on all of this, is not difficult to explain. Those who have power do not fear power. It is impossible to conceive that Sinn Féin even 20 years ago would have felt secure enough to support these restrictions, let alone call for harsher restrictions! But today they are a hair’s breadth from power and they no longer fear a hostile State. They are in the process of merging with that State, north and south. They are in the process of becoming the occupiers; the oppressors. Like the other system parties, they too are coming for your children.

This article was submitted by a National Party member. If you would like to submit an article for publication on the National Party website, follow this link.