Calm Before the Storm

Since the so called opening up of the Irish economy and the elimination of most COVID restrictions, there has been a certain air of jubilation among our people. A sense of normality has returned, the streets are full, we are back in our offices and the alcohol is flowing. Yet this return to normalcy is a carefully calculated illusion propagated by the ruling class. It is the proverbial calm before the storm. We are staring down a crisis that will dwarf COVID in both its scale and social implication. What we are facing is an inflationary disaster and perhaps the deliberate mass destruction of Ireland’s economy.

Readers may think it bold to suggest that anything could top COVID in terms of social destruction but the crisis is just beginning. First let us look at what both the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Irish Government are publishing. Since December, there has been pressure on the ECB to raise interest rates and to cool down a European economy spiraling out of control due to inflation. Irish inflation itself rose to 5.3%, but what does this mean? A simple definition of inflation is ‘the general increase in prices and the fall in the purchasing power of money’. However, inflation is very difficult to measure rigorously. Both the ECB and the Irish ruling class are masters of playing economic tricks. 5.3% sounds like a small number to the average person, something manageable and a fine number to put in a headline or start of an article, but one can look closer at the data. 5.3% is a mathematical average, deliberately employed to obscure the truth. Consider some other numbers which may not make headlines: according to the Eurostat, Eurozone energy prices rose 28.6% in January. Our own Central Statistics Office reports that petrol went up by 32%, electricity 22% and home heating oil climbed by 52%. This doesn’t even mention the massive inflation that is taking place in our housing market. Put in these terms it is clear we are in a horrible situation. At least during the previous winter lockdown, we could heat our homes, how many will freeze to death for the sake of 5.3% inflation?

The deception doesn’t stop here. While our government play statistical games in order to hide the truth of inflation, they are even more disingenuous in their explanation of this crisis. They speak of ‘higher energy costs’, ‘supply chain issues’ and that inflation is the natural outcome of an economy reopening. There is no mention of the credit creation and expansion, known more colloquially as printing money. Irish policy makers deliberately ignore the relationship between money creation and inflation. Our housing crisis is a multifaceted problem but inflation is at its centre. The Irish central bank and ECB essentially create money from low interest loans to be put into the housing market, leading to inflation. Almost all other issues related to housing stem from this. The houses are unaffordable to the average person because the wages aren’t inflating at the same rate as the housing market. Mass migration needs to be normalised to keep the prices up, as falling Irish birth rates would necessitate a massive drop in the price of housing, ruining the investments of international finance. Finally, housing supply is dwindling because materials are becoming overpriced due to money creation and the increased competition that engenders. The ordinary Irish entrepreneur is being cut out of the housing market in favour of capitalist parasites.

The Irish home buyer isn’t the only victim. This newly created money has to go somewhere and eventually it must reach the ordinary first order goods, spreading its inflationary poison there also. Bread, oil, and electricity prices rise beyond what can be afforded. This is socially disastrous. As the money becomes more and more worthless, people seek to get rid of it as quickly as possible, inflation becomes hyper inflation and the whole system breaks down. What is the solution suggested by our ruling elite and so called opposition? They have to be seen to be doing something, but what?

Blind Alleyways

There are talks of increasing credit for energy in order to take the sting out of home heating prices. We also see proposals to reduce VAT or other taxes to combat cost of living increases more generally. The cynicism our leaders display is at times psychotic. They will not remove any of the punitive carbon taxes that have greatly exacerbated the inflation crises. Nor are they likely to ever reduce VAT as it would be ‘difficult to reverse’. In reality, they don’t want their theft of Irish productivity to be realised. What of our opposition? It seems in truth we have no opposition in Ireland. We have a government promoting poorly thought out policy and an opposition that complains that the same policy isn’t going far enough. Sinn Féin correctly point out that the poor will be most affected by this inflation crisis. That said, their solution is merely to increase social welfare, undoubtedly achieved through even more money creation. They are either dangerously ignorant or willing conspirators in the elite’s tricks.

It cannot be known whether the majority of the sitting government truly understand what they are doing to our money or if they are the brainless stooges of a broken system, we won’t comment on that here. We don’t need to evoke conspiracies; we are criticising a way of thinking fundamentally. Economics as a social science is still in the thrall of Lord Keynes. Keynesian mathematical economics has been one of the most disastrous intellectual movements of any science, far more damaging to our people than Marxism. While the hard Left and their theories are rightly seen as ridiculous by Irish economists, Keynesianism stands strong if even under the surface. It gives a pseudo-scientific mathematical veneer to all sorts of mischief. Mathematics is totally inappropriate to apply to economics, some technical matters excluded. Plotted graphs, fiscal multipliers and differentiated formulas bring us nowhere near understanding how an actual economy functions. Markets work via supply and demand and the revealed choices of individuals through exchange. Humans and their needs are not some variable that can be plugged into a formula. An economy and a people are not necessarily satisfied or secure just because an economist’s graph rises. A wealth of human misery can be swept away with some references to impressive GDP figures, whatever that means for Irish people.

Lord Keynes proposed a solution to what was seen as the business cycle of modern capitalist economies. Money creation was to be used to safely bring a nation through a recession, which in the eyes of Keynes was partially caused by collapsing confidence or demand for goods in an economy. Government spending was to be the people’s saving grace. While we are not against government spending in principle, it is clear that Keynes deliberately obscured the heart of the issue. Recessions are not caused by collapsing demand, unemployment or capital over-accumulation. In almost all historical cases (we exclude natural disasters for example), recessions were caused by the deliberate manipulation of money by private central bankers. Any careful study of history illuminates the role of a private banking class in economic affairs. We need only look to the American destruction of Libya for an example of this. For the US State and their banking masters, Gaddafi’s attempt to remove Libya from the usurious international banking system was worth a death sentence and this is far from the only example. In Ireland the situation is subtler. Low interest loans are used to create money and inflate an economy. This in turn leads to unreliable cost accounting and false profits. Once the sham is realised and supply and demand is put at unbearable odds, the market readjusts itself to a more natural pricing system. This period of adjustment is the recession and it provides ample opportunity for massive wealth redistributions to the top of society.

All in all, the theory of Lord Keynes is nothing but crypto-social control. It was implemented to tackle the problem of working people and their unions in 1930s America. Government spending subtly reduced the real wages of the people via inflation. The same game is being played to this day and Keynesianism gives bankers the mathematical language to legitimise their looting of the public treasury. The average man and women on a fixed income see their savings and labour diluted by an economic voodoo policy. Though it may be somewhat tweaked, have a different name, the trick is always the same. The international banking class benefit from the exploitation of the people. Modern economists need to change course and realise that if we increase the amount of money without decreasing the quantity of non money goods, social wealth will not be higher but only prices. This economic truth cannot be done away with by graphs and formulae.

What does this all mean for the average Irish family? To be frank, unless the trend is reversed soon, abject poverty is coming. It is not our claim that Ireland will see mass starvation. Rather, we will see the slow and painful descent into poorer and poorer conditions. Renting from a faceless property conglomerate will become the norm. Families will spend most of their income just to feed their children and heat their homes, so inflated will prices be. Quality food, property ownership and decent pay will be a privilege of the elite and well connected. Our children will see worse living conditions than their great-grandparents. Irish people will be want as they were in centuries past and on top of it all we will not have the social trust and low crime levels of a homogenous Gaelic community. Ireland will become a multicultural dystopia filled only with meaningless wage slavery, crime and high rise apartment blocks of alienated individuals. Worse still, the advance of invasive technology and the police state will continue. We have seen the levels that our leaders will stoop to in order to control and manipulate the people. The COVID crisis may be over but the totalitarianism it engendered will live on. We have normalised shutting down whole industries and legitimised surveillance never before seen in our nation. Will the Irish people accept it, and what could be a solution?

Radical Solutions

Any genuine solution to the banking problem is likely to seem radical, difficult and totally at odds with politics as usual. More talk of regulation will not fix this issue and swapping Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael for Sinn Féin won’t make a jot of difference. They are all poisoned by the same way of thinking and until the average man realises this we will not escape this situation. The true solution to this inflation problem needs to be holistic. Ireland needs to control its own money and this money must serve the people of Ireland. This means a radical transformation in banking and currency. The current banking institutions in our country need to be cleared away and replaced with a State Bank. Rather than using Euros based on nothing, our future State Bank will issue a new currency backed by Irish assets and labour. Irish families will receive loans, interest free, to purchase their own homes from local Irish developers, money to start their own businesses and to produce unique and quality Irish goods to export to the world. This newly created money will be backed by the hard assets created by Irish people, keeping any inflation steady and manageable. It will not be obsessively put into a housing market, only for international funds to buy it all up anyway leaving our people homeless.

A Nationalist bank would spread its credit among the people for productive ends. We will not be interested in fixing the books to keep our GDP up, nor will we treat people like variables in a mathematical formula. The primary focus of a Nationalist State Bank will be ensuring that Irish people have credit to buy decent houses, capital for their local businesses and the ability to revitalise their infrastructure. Such a monetary policy would allow us to unlock the potential of the Irish people, rather than treat them as atomised economic units. Taxes generally could be greatly reduced and the domestic economy will be freed up from pointless over regulation. The state will be primarily concerned with protecting the Irish people from foreign market competition and at all times motivate our own people to achieve prosperity.

It is important to emphasise again that these state loans will be interest free. Only the National Party recognises the corrosive effect of usury (i.e. charging money for money) on a society. For centuries central banking parasites have used interest and usury to swallow up whole nations, enslaving the people with debt. This trend in Ireland will be broken, money and capital will no longer be the primary focus of the state but rather the health and stability of the Irish people and culture. If these ideas seem far fetched or economically unfeasible, we only ask readers to look at history. The Russian state bank before World War One worked along similar lines to what we have described, to the great benefit of the Russian people. Agricultural production in Russia had become so productive by 1913 that it was the breadbasket of Europe. From 1890 to the Great War, Russia was able to satisfy roughly 80% of their internal demand for goods. Napoleon’s France achieved huge success in public infrastructure using a state bank. Amazing things can be done when leaders are willing to stand up for their own people and put money and international connections aside.

Those who say it can’t be done are thinking of politics as usual, not what it could be. Nationalists need to start organising, to make a way for the new vanguard of Irish revival. It may seem like we are talking about another world or a parallel universe. In reality we are talking about a different way of thinking and a new vision for Ireland. This new vision starts in our own thoughts. Understand that the crisis we are facing was avoidable, that it is likely deliberate and that it can be overcome. A reset is coming. It will either be a continuation of international banker exploitation or it will be a new Nationalist revival. Prepare for the coming collapse, develop skills and above all don’t lose vision of what could be if Irish Nationalists have the strength to will it.

This article was submitted by a National Party member. If you would like to submit an article for publication on the National Party website, follow this link.