Fear of Change
Movements of the populist right commonly fall into the trap of framing “change” itself as a crisis. As a result of this, they think it is enough to point to that change and people will simply “wake the hell up”. There are two assumptions being made here. Firstly that people want to wake up and secondly that the “populists” are offering something worthwhile to wake up to. Far too often, neither of these assumptions hold water.
What globalists are selling is not calamity. It is change. And what they are selling, there is a market for. Many, many things which are called “conspiracies” are really just marketing campaigns for the future. A conspiracy is something you hide. A marketing campaign is something you tell everyone about.
We see time and time again, the populist right fixate on things like “Project 2040” or “The Great Reset” and think that by merely pointing these things out, people will recognise them as malign. But this is not so. The fact that something is malign, is not in itself enough to make people reject it. And in any case, these things do not appear nearly as malign as some people imagine.
Globalists are constantly selling people a vision of the future. Too often the populist right point to that vision and decry it as a cataclysm. But to most other people it is just a marketing campaign for what is to come. It is a teaser trailer for “tomorrow”. The projected future may not be exactly what people desire, but it is a future nonetheless. It is more than what the populist right are in many cases promising.
Many of the infrastructural goals of Project 2040 will appear to the general public as perfectly rational forward-orientated objectives: change for a changing society. A changing society is what we live in after all. In the same way, the social and economic convulsions which are sure to follow in the wake of global lockdown, will be made to seem rational and inevitable.
The populist right can make fun of the slogan, “You will own nothing and be happy”, but they overlook just how appealing that may be to people buried under a mountain of debt. Between a future and no future, a human being will choose the former. The fact is there are plenty of people in Irish society who already feel like they own nothing; and guess what, they aren’t happy. While the populist right make fun of dystopian visions of living in pods etc., there is a growing section of society with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Human Nature
“A machine cannot make men; but it can break men.” — P.H. Pearse
What we must take into account first of all is human nature. As human beings we walk into the unknowable future, adapting to change as we go along. Nothing is more terrifying or disturbing than the unknown. What we seek always is a way forward. A clear path. An explanation. A plan. A direction. As the saying goes, “A man without a plan, is not a man.”
There was once a young woman interviewed on Irish radio who described her cancer diagnosis as a kind of relief, because at least her life now made sense and had a trajectory, whereas before she had felt trapped in a kind of nothingness. This may seem strange but it is not that strange. It’s an extreme example of how we react to situations on a daily basis.
When given a direction, when shown onto the path, when presented with an option, we take it. We do so not always because it is advantageous but because it allows us to move forward. Even the man lost in despair or insanity who reaches for an implement and takes his own life, is grasping for a way forward and taking it. It is an alternative to inaction. Give people a vision of the future that allows them to move forward and they will take it. Where no alternative vision is presented they will certainly take it, even if that vision be suicide, even if that vision be oblivion.
People who own nothing but debt will be quick to accept a world where they own nothing at all, because owning nothing is better than owing everything.
Money and the Machine
We must understand that there are some forces of change which are inevitable. There are forces we can overthrow or destroy, forces we can merely harness, and forces we are at the mercy of. There are also forces which we are told are inevitable but which actually are not.
It would seem there are two primary engines of change which drive forward our materialist social order. Two material forces that are outside Man and outside given nature. Money and the Machine.
The Machine is Man’s works which have taken on a life beyond Man. Money is the domain of power which lords over Man’s works. We are slaves to the Money System and we are slaves in many ways to our technologies; our machines. Liberation from these tyrannies is not straightforward. But one may be certain, that the answers do not lie in promising people the past they once knew or the present that is slipping through their fingers. The answers, if there be answers, lie in visions for the future.
Technology will always shape human society in ways that both enhance our lives and threaten our humanity. There is no getting around that fact, and in the modern world, there is no question of discarding our technologies. Even a society which reverted to a more archaic form (as the Japanese at one point in their history did) would certainly be at the mercy of more advanced civilisations. We would simply be wiped out or our society would become a kind of zoo.
Where then lies the answer? If our goal is to control the future then we require a vision of the future which first of all is desirable and second of all is radically different from either the current social order or any that proceeded it. We need better answers and better explanations to the same problems that globalism proposes solutions to.
We need to envision a social order in Ireland which honours our humanity above the Machine. That is to say a society that places primary value on things beyond the material. But to have any chance of achieving this we must overthrow the Money System because it is the Money System that makes it impossible to secure such a social order and which exerts disproportionate control over our technological advancements.
Whatever way you look at it, a great many of the major challenges facing humanity, whether it be pollution, automation, mass-surveillance, dehumanisation etc. all fall under the domain of technology. They are Man’s works that have gone beyond Man. We view them with an eerie fatalism even as they are harnessed against us. And here we come to a key point. Globalism sells change but not indiscriminately. Its adherents are very specific about what can be changed and what cannot be changed. Globalism assures us, for instance, that the climate of the world can be altered but that replacement migration to European countries cannot. Change is not an ideology. The selection of change is ideology.
Embracing Change
We must not reject change. We must select it. We must not reject technology. We must select how it impacts society. As it stands, the selection of change is in the hands of the wrong people. As an example, air travel is a technology which makes the mass-movement of people possible, but it is the Money System that makes that technology a weapon against rooted nationality. It is those who control the Money System who exert ideological control of technological modernity. It is Money that controls Man’s works and it is Man’s works that now control Man.
Both the capitalist and socialist ideologies are branches of the same tree. They are explicitly materialist. For each there is nothing outside Man so there is nothing outside his works. The cult of Progress becomes a project of increasing dehumanisation. Man and Machine are one. If there is a ghost in the machine at all it is the Money System to which they are both products and essential parts. Human beings to them are reducible to economic units to be exploited or bought off as needs be. Hence we see greater and greater social atomisation promoted both by mega-corporations and by their supposed enemies on the left. But as we have said, the general public are perfectly willing to accept a vision of the future so long as it allows them to move forward with their lives, even into slavery.
It is simply not enough to decry the future as a dystopia if all you offer is the comfort of the past. The comfort of the past will not keep you warm in the future. It will not pay off your debts. It will not keep a roof over your head. Faced with a radical future that we do not like, we must do more than complain about it. We must present and attempt to achieve a better but equally radical future.
The most practicable form of social order for our purposes would be an explicitly nationalist state and, in all probability, a confederation of nationalist states, seeing as the overthrow of the Money System would ultimately require concerted efforts by many countries. But each country would work first of all towards the goal of their own national liberation. It would work towards change on a national level.
Change is not necessarily bad. When the government and the media tell us to expect a “new normal” they are taunting us in a way. They are provoking us to say something stupid. They are provoking the populist right to say “No, damn it! Bring back the old normal!” That, right there, is the trap. They are marketing the future. All too often, the populist right is printing advertisements for the past.
Like it or hate it, forward is the only way and forward we must go. Our goals must be radical. Our aims must be to change society. Our ambitions must be to grapple with the forces that make this world. We are not nostalgics. We are not conservatives, standing against the winds of change and shouting “Slow down!” We are not materialists. We do not reduce mankind to interchangeable units in a global market. We are nationalists. We are separatists from the globalist empire. We are advocates for a better and more human tomorrow. If we win the world will be a better place.